Blair Anderson, on the hustings 'canvassing for opinion'

Blair Anderson, on the hustings 'canvassing for opinion'

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Petrol heads? Alienated from rule of law, Hello!!

An extreme example of "Ricer;" a Toy...Image via Wikipedia Rachael Ford (Candor Trust) on targeted youth interventions creating worst case scenarios.
Road safety and police chases... turning over youth - going over cars, confiscating everything you've got.

If your chasing someone for minor non-criminal infringements, esp alcohol and other drugs think again, what could be worse? a possibly stoned or drunk driver or one with his pedal to the metal experiencing a testosterone fuelled adrenaline inspired brain fart. 

Dead dogs and Cops....(yep its our issue too) 

Boy Racer legislation / Police complaints authority / Royal Commission / Road Safety quota's

Blair Anderson  ‹(•¿•)›

Social Ecologist 'at large'

ph nz  (643) 389 4065   nz cell 027 265 7219

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