Blair Anderson, on the hustings 'canvassing for opinion'

Blair Anderson, on the hustings 'canvassing for opinion'

Monday, August 6, 2007

Top Cannabis Cop for Mayor of London

Top "cannabis" Cop for Mayor of London.

Former colleague of Detective Chief Super Eddie Ellison and front for the Brixton initiative on cannabis (and Gay Policeman) Brian Paddick has been nominated as the Liberal Democrat mayoral candidate for London. Paddick recently retired at the top of his carrer as Metropolitan Police deputy assistant commissioner.

Blair Anderson, Christchurch Mayoral hopeful welcomes the news that London is at the cutting edge in its consideration for Mayor.

Eddie Ellison (deceased) shared with me several years ago as we drove form Rotary to Rotary how Paddick fronted the cannabis law reform on the street. Eddie highlighted Paddick's communication skills and empathy with his district (Lambeth).

Eddie lived to see cannabis reform movement become mainstream. The Police (with Eddie powerfully masterminding it from behind the scenes as "good Police management" ) enabled the political debate to move (downgrade) cannabis into Class C.

The challenge to Christchurch (and NZ Police) will be to see this civic debate as an anti-crime initiative and understand how, through mismanagement and maladministration Policing and Politicians have a stakehold in New Zealand of making crime happen. This occurs at ratepayers and tax-payers expense, while they unwittingly bear the burden of the insecurity industry and the crime so created.

"Mayor Blair" Anderson

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