Blair Anderson, on the hustings 'canvassing for opinion'

Blair Anderson, on the hustings 'canvassing for opinion'

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Re: Local government election candidate

Dr Kay Keating et al. (candidates so addressed)

Am I first in your book?

It must be said, even if no one is listening (the media certainly isn't) that there are many good folk standing for election and while there are speculations in mainstream CHCH media that it will be Bob, (gee, why have an election at all... just let a couple of editors duke it out on the main street) media has informed the wider public more about personality spats and precious little about policy of consequence. And that serves us all poorly. To that end Kay, your email reminding us all what this is about is 'a gem' among pebbles.

SO... in respect to issues raised by the PHA, it might come as a surprise to find the mayoral candidate for Christchurch, notably the one who is first in everyones book, at the cutting edge of intersectorial social health policy .

I'm not going to bore anyone on this list with the substance to that claim. If your not informed, then you don't want to be. However, keep in mind that as the ONLY candidate calling for STV for our future elections then it can be fairly said that at least I, on behalf of Christchurch understand that in these 'changing times', that having a Mayor elected with no less than 50% of voter support will be key to community buy in to all we shall be confronting.

Amonst the many things I learn from being a public advocate I often note who is really taking care of business (and thus the community).

"Mayor Blair" saw NO other mayoral/city candidates, and only two ECAN possibles at the Emission Trading Scheme [ETS] consultations which is proof the non-attendees want your vote but don't care one IOTA how the biggest change in the city 'since Rogernomics' is going to impact this community. (Climate Change is about public health too, see BMJ on "Integration of Public Health with Adaptation to Climate Change: Lessons Learned and New Directions" ).

also some useful snippets.
Blair on Climate Change 'around the world'
Blair on climate change on the 'blogs'

None of the candidates for Christchurch (and just about every other city) Mayor have shown any significant capacity to understand the global implications let alone the adaption and mitigation costs that WILL have to be borne by our community. In the wrap up for yesterdays think fest New Zealand's Treasury official acknowledged that 'Mayor Blair's' advocacy on 'contraction and convergence' underpinned the conscience (treasury's words) of all that ETS is... and may become 'Beyond Kyoto'. The media has avoided the intersectorial meat in the climate sandwich 'lest' said health and climate advocate get some traction.

"Blair Anderson, the only candidate to walk to the front of the stage from his podium, called for the city to take an international lead on climate change policies". / CHCH PRESS 19 September 2007

One could wonder if the intersectorial implications of certain other issues is a bridge to far for journalists.

While the rest of the world is increasingly suspicious of misplaced resourcing and funding a war on 'some drugs' it has become patently obvious to the public health sector that it is a health issue not one of 'crime and criminality' as has been portrayed by a self interested media.

"We need to be understanding of our social and ecological environments - and reject the harm production of inappropriate interventions under a vicious, unnatural, and unsustainable definition of crime". ""

* Breaking News * - US Mayor's Conference calls for new bottom line on drug policy declaring prohibition 'a failure'.

Here's what happens when the debate is unfettered... Seattle, our sister city decided to have the required debate and look who supports wholesale reform of the drug laws.. I welcome the support of PHA in elevating the debate and applaud their continuing call to acknowledge the destructive role in health sectors that alcohol contributes.

Top Canterbury cop says "85% of offending is alcohol-fueled", Superintendent Sandra Manderson.

Perhaps Sandra and the rest of the community should re-examine from first principles 'why this should be so'... Consider who is involved in Seattle and ask this question "why wouldn't retiring Garry Moore take the lead from Seattle, when it was he who lauded the Seattle based initiative 'time to talk' ?, could it be that "Mayor Blair" knows that in an open and unfettered debate Civil Society rises to the social challenge. ? Consider,

Professional and Civic Coalition for Drug Policy Reform

    • King County Bar Association
    • Church Council of Greater Seattle
    • King County Medical Society
    • League of Women Voters of Washington
    • Loren Miller Bar Association
    • Municipal League of King County
    • National Alliance on Mental Illness of Washington
    • Seattle League of Women Voters
    • Washington Academy of Family Physicians
    • Washington Osteopathic Medical Association
    • Washington Physicians for Social Responsibility
    • Washington Society of Addiction Medicine
    • Washington State Bar Association
    • Washington State Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics
    • Washington State Medical Association
    • Washington State Pharmacy Association
    • Washington State Psychiatric Association
    • Washington State Psychological Association
    • Washington State Public Health Association
The Washington State Bar and Medical Associations , with encouragement and guidance from the KCBA, adopted their own resolutions in 2001 stating official positions on drug policy.

What should the aims of a municipal [alcohol and] drug policy look like?

  • To minimise the prevalence of problematic drug use and related health harms, including drug related death
  • To minimise impediments to health promotion holistically integrate all drug policy, removing double standards
  • To minimise disorder, violence and social nuisance related to drug misuse
  • To minimise criminal activity associated with the production and supply of drugs
  • To minimise all drug-related harms to vulnerable groups, young people and families
  • To ensure adequate provision of support and drug/alcohol treatment for people seeking help

The challenge is not 'is Blair right for Mayor', rather;

is there a SINGLE CANDIDATE who, in the interests of public health and at the risk of their public career, will stand at my side and say... "actually, on this, he's right!, we need to talk about this."

Here's your 'pro-active public health' possibility.

or, forever more be known as 'part of the problem, and no part of the solution'.

'Mayor Blair' Anderson ‹(•¿•)›

ph (643) 389 4065 cell 027 265 7219

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